Help! My dog keeps jumping the wall
Dear Jennifer
I am asking for help on behalf of my mommy. She’s a nervous wreck. I have developed this silly habit of jumping the wall and running away, not away away, just to go on a little adventure. My mom becomes frantic and just about turns the world upside down until I am back home. I don’t like seeing her so stressed but I cant seem to help myself when I am home alone, I don’t mean to scare her. Can you give us both some advice?
Hi Rex,
There are various reasons why some dogs will continuously try to run away but generally speaking there are two basic explanations :
a) the dog is looking for somewhere to go or something to do that is more rewarding than what his current situation is offering.
b) the dog is trying to avoid or escape from something that he believes to be frightening or dangerous.
Ask your mum if she can try and establish the reason why you keep “going walk about”. Here are some of the more common triggers she can look for with some possible solutions.
Male dogs will often go roaming if they detect the scent of a female in season so having a dog neutered can certainly help. Unfortunately his reproductive urges originate in the brain so while omitting the testosterone hormone through castration will reduce his roaming tendencies it will not necessary curb them totally – in about 10 to 15% of dogs the procedure has no effect on roaming.
Boredom is one of the most common motives behind dogs roaming, especially if they are left alone for long periods of time. Ask mom to make sure you have lots of toys to help make home a fun place to be and to keep you stimulated. If you live on your own ask her to consider adopting a friend for you.
Tell mom that daily walks and a good exercise regime (especially if you live in a small garden) are essential. If you are an active and curious dog then you are obviously going to want to know what is happening on the other side of the garden wall and what better way to find out then to go for a nice leisurely walk with mom.
If you have problems with noise phobias like being afraid of thunder and lightning etc. ask mom to chat with your vet about medication to keep you calm during storms and to avoid the potential of you trying to run away because you are scared. Also ask her to have the vet microchip you so that you can be easily identified if you do happen to get lost.
Kind regards,