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Help! My Dog snatches food and treats

IMG_E4123Gently does it.

Have you acquired a dog or puppy that turns into a piranha whenever there are treats on offer, you know what I mean, treats, fingers, hand all get chomped in one almighty, over enthusiastic snatch !

Sounds familiar right? Unfortunately our furkids are not genetically predisposed to calmly and gently take food from our hand – it is something that we have to teach them and the sooner the better for all concerned.

It is advisable to start your training in a quiet area away from any distractions that could take your dog’s focus off of you. Also start off initially using very low value treats as this will help lesson his urge to snatch at the treat.

Start by placing a treat in the palm of your hand and firmly clench your fist.

Begin the exercise by asking your dog to sit – having him in the sit position will help with control and keeping him calm. Offer your clenched fist to the dog allowing him to sniff and lick your fist but no nipping or biting. If he does try to bite/nip then remove your hand and step back. Continue doing this until he is only sniffing and licking your fist at which point you can verbally praise and open your hand for him to get the treat.

Once the dog is only sniffing and licking your fist each time you present it to him you can then introduce a cue like “gently” before opening your fist. The idea here is to teach the dog that biting or snatching at the treat is not rewarding i.e. he gets nothing for that behaviour, but if he is gentle than good things happen i.e. he gets a yummy reward. Repeat this exercise using higher value treats.

You can now go forward by placing a treat in the palm of your hand and using your thumb to secure it in position. Give your cue (“gently”) and present your open hand to the dog. If he takes the treat softly from your hand immediately praise him – do not be to animated with your praise to avoid the dog getting over aroused and reverting back to snatching. Should he snatch at the treat in your open hand simply clench your fist and step back – you have most likely progressed a little too fast and need to go back and reinforce the “licking your fist” stage.

By Gordon, Behaviourist.
