
Donate to Dogtown

Help a furkid in need

Hello, my name is NELLY!

My gracious sponsor(s):

Diane Carter, Magda Oosthuysen, Tara Langdon, Chanti Du Plessis, Karen van der Walt

More about me

Female (Medium). Africanis Blend - adult - DOB: 2008.

Location: gauteng
Tel: 0760441979
Mail: adopt@dogtownsa.org

My name is Nelly and I am an eight year “young” Africanis gal who recently came to Dogtown from a very long way away.   I must say however that even though everything here is very different from my previous surroundings I am starting to settle into their routine.   You see for all my life I have been living on a property where there were other animals and I had my own little shelter and a kind lady who would give me food and water every day. Because I have always been rather an elusive “fur-lass” and very shy, I much preferred sleeping outside or on the verandah and being able to come and go as I pleased which this special lady arranged for me.   Then my life changed completely because all the animals on this property started being moved off and I realized that I was also going to have to move.   Then without me realizing it a stranger arrived and gave me something which made me very sleepy. When I woke up I was travelling in a car and on my way to Dogtown. It honestly is quite an amazing place as I have been given a comfy place to sleep with lots of blankets so that I could snuggle inside, if I don’t want anyone to see me and given really yummy food.   I have a little garden that I can walk around in and nice gentle people coming to the fence to talk to me very often.   I am still getting used to all of this especially people coming close to me, but there are a couple of special peeps that come every day and just sit near to me and talk to me and have very tasty treats in their hands.

I am very happy taking these out of their hands and even sniffing them but still am rather nervous if they try and touch me.   What I have realized is that they are letting me get used to things at my own pace and for that I am really grateful.  My rather noisy neighbor, Little George, has told me that being touched is very soothing and it also took him quite a long time before he felt comfortable with this himself as he also has had a rather stressful past.   I have also heard on the “furry grapevine” that one of the bestest activities of the day at Dogtown is going out for regular walks and being able to sniff all the special smells and chew the different grasses.   The carers take out the furkids each day and when they come back they have many great stories to share.    I hope that in the not too distant future I will be going on walks with my carers and have all the experiences first hand.   Then, once I have achieved this I hope to be able to realized my ultimate dream which is to find my own forever family and we could cuddle up and I will be your best friend and companion for many years of fun and happiness.


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